Saurabh, a promising student who enrolled in the computer science department, was from Samastipur in Bihar. After completion of post-mortem and necessary legal formalities, his body has been handed over to his bereaved parents for repatriation. As the investigation into Saurabh’s death continues, there is a collective hope that lessons will be learned and sensible action will be taken to prevent such unfortunate incidents in the future.
IIT Guwahati Student found death body in hostel.
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Friday, April 12, 2024
The tragic death of a second-year student at IIT Guwahati has shocked the university community. The student, identified as Saurabh, was found dead in the guest room of the Dihing Hotel on Wednesday. Kamrup Superintendent of Police Ranjan Bhuyan confirmed the findings and revealed that a suicide note was recovered from the accident site. In the note, it is said that Saurabh has absolved anyone of responsibility for his untimely death. Despite initial reports of no foul play, authorities are actively investigating further to uncover further details.