The duo's efforts began when numerous complaints from migrant workers surfaced, detailing the exploitation they faced at the hands of Kumar. Determined to bring this injustice to light, Didar and Azad took to social media, utilizing the platform Twitter, now rebranded as X, to amplify their cause.
Karim Didar led the charge by continuously tweeting about the issue, meticulously tagging influential authorities such as the Divisional Railway Manager (DRM) Katihar, Railway Protection Force (RPF) Katihar, District Magistrate (DM) Katihar, Rail Seva, Rail Madad, Superintendent of Police (SP) Katihar, and the Railway Minister. His tweets provided detailed accounts of the allegations against Arjun Kumar, urging the authorities to take prompt action.
Journalist Azad lent his support by leveraging his own social media reach and journalistic influence to further highlight the issue. The persistent online campaign gained traction, drawing significant public and official attention.
Their relentless pursuit of justice paid off when an investigation into the matter led to the suspension of Arjun Kumar. This outcome not only addressed the immediate issue of corruption at Barsoi Railway Station but also underscored the power of social media as a tool for accountability and change.